Pengembangan Biologi Pada Abad ke-21.

BAHAN MATRIKULASI BIOLOGI TANGGAL 6 SEPTEMBER 2016 PUKUL 10.20 – 10.30 WITA RUANG 2.1. NIELS BOHR FMIPA, silakan bahannya unduh di sini.

Because biological systems have so many fundamental similarities, the same technologies and sciences developed to address these four challenges will expand the capabilities of all biologists.
Generate food plants to adapt and grow sustainably in changing enironments
The New Biology could deliver a dramatically more effcient approach to developing plant varieties that can be grown sustainably under local conditions. The result of this focused and integrated effort will be a body of knowledge, new tools, technologies, and approaches that will make it possible to adapt all
sorts of crop plants for effcient production under different conditions, a critical contribution toward making it possible to feed people around the world with abundant, healthful food, adapted to grow effciently in many different and ever-changing local environments.
Understand and sustain ecosystem function and biodiersity in the face of rapid change
Fundamental advances in knowledge and a new generation of tools and technologies are needed to understand how ecosystems function, measure ecosystem services, allow restoration of damaged ecosystems, and minimize harmful impacts of human activities and climate change. What is needed is the New Biology, combining the knowledge base of ecology with those of organismal biology, evolutionary and comparative biology, climatology, hydrology, soil science, and environmental, civil, and systems engineering, through the unifying languages of mathematics, modeling, and computational science. This integration has the potential to generate breakthroughs in our ability to monitor
ecosystem function, identify ecosystems at risk, and develop effective interventions to protect and restore ecosystem function.

Expand sustainable alternaties to fossil fuels
Making effcient use of plant materials––biomass––to make biofuels is a systems challenge, and this is another example of an area where the New Biology can make a critical contribution. At its simplest, the system consists of a plant that serves as the source of cellulose and an industrial process that turns the cellulose into a useful product. There are many points in the system that can be optimized. The New Biology offers the possibility of advancing the fundamental knowledge, tools, and technology needed to optimize the system by tackling the challenge in a comprehensive way.
Understand individual health
The goal of a New Biology approach to health is to make it possible to monitor each individual’s health and treat any malfunction in a manner that is tailored to that individual. In other words, the goal is to provide individually predictive surveillance and care. Between the starting point of an individual’s
genome sequence and the endpoint of that individual’s health is a web of interacting networks of staggering complexity. The New Biology can accelerate fundamental understanding of the systems that underlie health and the development of the tools and technologies that will in turn lead to more effcient
approaches to developing therapeutics and enabling individualized, predictive medicine.

Sumber bacaan :  A New Biology for the 21st Century.  Committee on a New Biology for the 21st Century:
Ensuring the United States Leads the Coming Biology Revolution , Washington.

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