Density And Distribution Pattern Of Family Palmae In Bajuin Waterfall
Tanah Laut Regency

M. Arsyad

Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Basri No. 87 Kayutangi Banjarmasin


di presentasikan pada Seminar Nasional dan diterbitkan pada Prosiding  2nd Symbion  (Symposiom on Biology Education) Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta 27 Agustus 2016


Several species of family Palmae are found in the Bajuin waterfall in Tanah Laut regency. Although its grow naturally and has not grown specifically several species of the family Palmae is already utilized by people around, for example Arenga pinnata used as material to make palm sugar. The objectives of the research were to know density  and the distribution pattern family Palmae in the Bajuin waterfall. Transect method was used in this research. The number of sampling points is 40 points. plot size used was 10 x 10 m2. Determination of species distribution pattern was calculated using Poisson Distribution formula. The result indicated that there 8 species of family Palmae was founded. That spesies are Caryota monostachya, its density is 52.5 ind / ha; Calamus ovoideus its density is 182.5 ind / ha; Salacca edulis, its density is 15 ind / ha; Arenga caudate its density is 25 ind / ha; Arenga pinnata its density is 17.5 ind / ha; Chamaedorea ernesti-Augusti, its  density of 85 ind / ha, Cocos nucifera, its density of 17.5 ind / ha; and Areca catechu its density of 10 ind / ha. Caryota monostachya, Calamus ovoideus, Arenga caudate, Arenga pinnata, and Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti are spesies of family Palmae  were in a clumped distribution. Salacca edulis, Cocos nucifera and Areca catechu spesies of family Palmae  were at random pattern.

Kata kunci: Density, Distribution Pattern, Family Palmae, Baajuin Waterfall