Research on Students’ Errors in Writing

Drs. Fatchul Mu’in, M.Hum; Sirajuddin Kamal, S.S., M.Ed; Moh. Yamin, S.Pd., M.Pd
(Lecturers in English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung
Mangkurat University)
Tthe basic components that the students should master in understanding
and implimentation relating to writing are the grammar use in the right
way and the right vocabulary in use. Such basic components are usually
covered in writing 1 course. The problem is that the students generally
get trouble in the basic component use in writing, especially in sentence
writing. Based on the consideration, the research is done to the students
of second semester of batch 2011-2012 taking the writing 1 course in
English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Lambung Mangkurat University. The number of the students as the
population are 104. The sampling technique used in this research is
purposive sampling. The sample number taken is 23 students. The final
result of this research shows that the general errors the students often
made in sentence writing were verb and verb construction, conjuction,
and determiner.
Key words: students, sentence writing, and syntactic errors


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